大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 哲学(Philosophy) Unit 1 单元测试

1、 Who is the creator of the philosophy of Taoism?

答案: Laozi

2、 Who is the creator of the philosophy of Mohism?

答案: Mozi

3、 Chinese Philosophy refers to any of several schools of philosophical thought in the Chinese tradition, including _____.

答案: Confucianism;

4、 What are the three major philosophy systems in the world?

答案: Western philosophy;
Chinese philosophy;
Indian philosophy

5、 The basic thoughts of Confucius can be embodied in the following aspects:______.

答案: humanity(仁);

6、 The divisions of philosophy are probably best expressed by phrases that contain the preposition of—such as ____.

答案: philosophy of mind;
philosophy of science;
philosophy of law;
philosophy of art(aesthetics)

7、 The characteristic oppositions continually recur in the diversity of philosophy, such as ____.

答案: Materialism VS idealism;
nominalism VS realism;
rationalism VS empiricism;
utilitarianism VS deontological ethics

8、 In the ancient world, the most influential division of the subject was the Stoics’ division of philosophy into __.

答案: Logic;

9、 What are the thoughts proposed by Mohism?

答案: universal love(兼爱);
anti militarism(非攻);
frugality in expenditure(节用);

10、 The basic features of Chinese ancient philosophy include _____.

答案: Stress on spiritual existence;
Stress on practice;
Stress on morality;
Stress on harmony

11、 Confucius is a great thinker and educator in the period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States and the founder of the Confucian School.

答案: 正确

12、 Very broadly speaking, according to some commentators, Western society strives to accept the truth as given and is more interested in finding the balance.

答案: 错误

13、 Westerners put more stock in social responsibility.

答案: 错误

14、 Throughout its long and varied history in the West, philosophy has meant many different things.

答案: 正确

15、 Greek philosophy started as a kind of naturalism as the distinction between mind and matter was clearly recognized that time, now called Materialism by some philosophers with a scientific basis.

答案: 错误

16、 As the Greek philosophical approach was made from man and society, the Greeks were able to lay the foundations of systematic social thought.

答案: 正确

17、 Philosophical systems are never definitively proved false.

答案: 正确

18、 Over the centuries, Western Philosophy has strongly influenced and been influenced by Western religion, science, mathematics and politics.

答案: 正确

19、 Confucianism probably is the biggest influence in history of education in China.

答案: 正确

20、 Legalism, begun by Zhuangzi, believes that it is necessary to lay down laws to unify the thought of people.

答案: 错误

Unit 2 政治(Politics) 单元测验

1、 _____ is the leader of the British government.

答案: Prime Minister

2、 In the United States, ______ has the power to make laws.

答案: the Congress

3、 The Supreme Court of the United States has ___ justices.

答案: 9

4、 Which party is China’s ruling party?

答案: The Communist Party of China.

5、 The Supreme Court of the United States has ___ justices.

答案: 9

6、 Which party is China’s ruling party?

答案: The Communist Party of China.

7、 _____ is the leader of the British government.

答案: Prime Minister

8、 In the United States, ______ has the power to make laws.

答案: the Congress

9、 The Supreme Court of the United States has ___ justices.

答案: 9

10、 The two major parties in Britain are _ and __.

答案: the Conservative Party;
the Labour Party

11、 The organs through which the people exercise state power are______.

答案: the National People’s Congress;
the local people’s congresses at all levels

12、 Which of the following organs exercise the legislative power of the state?

答案: The National People’s Congress;
The National People’s Congress Standing Committee

13、 The National People’s Congress shall have the power to remove from office(有权罢免) the following personnel_.

答案: the president and the vice president of the People’s Republic of China;
the premier, vice premiers, state councilors;
the chairperson of the Central Military Commission and other members of the Central Military Commission;
the chairperson of the National Commission of Supervision

14、 The State Council is composed of the following personnel_____.

答案: the premier;
the state councilors;
the ministers of ministries

15、 The central state organs of China are composed of 6 bodies including ______.

答案: the Supreme People’s Court;
The National People’s Congress;
The Central Military Commission;
the President of the People’s Republic of China

16、 Deputies of the National People’s Congress are elected from ______.

答案: Provinces;
autonomous regions;
municipalities directly under the Central Government;
special administrative regions

17、 The two major parties in Britain are _ and __.

答案: the Conservative Party;
the Labour Party

18、 The British constitution is made up of _____.

答案: statute law;
common law;

19、 Parliament in Britain consists of _____.

答案: the House of Lords;
the House of Commons;
the Sovereign

20、 On what occasions might the Vice President in the United States become the President?

答案: The current President became incapacitated while in office.;
The current President died.;
The process of impeachment occurred.

21、 The President and Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China are elected by Chinese Communist Party.

答案: 错误

22、 Communism in China emphasizes public and communal ownership over private ownership.

答案: 正确

23、 The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state and has supreme legal force.

答案: 正确

24、 The People’s Republic of China is a socialist state governed by a people’s democratic dictatorship that is led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants.

答案: 正确

25、 The capitalist system is the fundamental system of the People’s Republic of China.

答案: 错误

26、 The National People’s Congress and the local people’s congresses at all levels are appointed by the President of the People’s Republic of China.

答案: 错误

27、 The National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China is the highest state organ of power.

答案: 正确

28、 The State Council exercises the legislative power of the state.

答案: 错误

29、 The National People’s Congress Standing Committee(全国人民代表大会常务委员会)has the power of amending the Constitution.

答案: 错误

30、 The Supreme People’s Court is the highest adjudicatory organ.

答案: 正确

31、 The people’s procuratorates of the People’s Republic of China are the legal oversight organs of the state.

答案: 正确

32、 The political party system China has adopted is multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

答案: 正确

33、 The United Kingdom is a federal state.

答案: 错误

34、 The U.S. government is based on “federalism.”

答案: 正确

Unit 3 教育(Education) Unit 3 单元测试

1、 What is the most necessary material you need to submit if you want to apply to an undergraduate degree?

答案: the original or certified copies of his secondary school transcripts or mark sheets

2、 Which subject is the compulsory subject to American students?

答案: English

3、 In the following universities, which one doesn’t belong to the Ivy League in America__?

答案: Sanford University

4、 How many years for a British student need to study in the university?

答案: 3

5、 How many years of compulsory education are there in China?

答案: 9

6、 In China, primary school education is compulsory and it lasts _____ years.

答案: 6

7、 How many years must a British student study in the university?

答案: 3

8、 Which examination should a student attend if he wants to go to the university in the UK?

答案: the A level system

9、 Primary school education in China currently includes nine compulsory courses, which include______.

答案: Chinese;
Social Studies;

10、 Higher education is provided by institutions of various types including ______.

答案: general and technical universities;
specialized institutions;
military institutions;
medical schools and colleges

11、 Which subjects are the elective courses to American students?

答案: Music;
Theater classes

12、 The education system in the UK is divided into ____.

答案: early education;
primary education;
secondary education;
higher education

13、 Which are the two famous universities in the UK?

答案: Oxford University;
Cambridge University

14、 Which of the following academic institutions belong to the Ivy League universities?

答案: Columbia University;
Harvard University;
Yale University;
Princeton University

15、 America does not have a country-level education system or curriculum applied to the entire country. ____

答案: 正确

16、 Cambridge is the first-oldest university in the English-speaking world. ____

答案: 错误

17、 Harvard University is one of the Ivy League in America. __

答案: 正确

18、 Full education is compulsory for all children who range from age 5 to 17.___

答案: 正确

19、 Most children attend kindergarten when they are 4 in America.____

答案: 错误

20、 Dartmouth College doesn’t belong to the Ivy League in America. _

答案: 错误

21、 Confucianism probably is the biggest influence in history of education in China.

答案: 正确

22、 There are more universities in the Project 985 than in 211.

答案: 错误

23、 Senior secondary school (grade 10 to 12) and college education are also compulsory and free in China.

答案: 错误

24、 After the completion of junior (lower) secondary school, students can only choose to enter general (academic) senior secondary school.

答案: 错误

25、 Vocational senior secondary schools provide subject and occupation specific education and training.

答案: 正确

Unit 4 语言(Language) Unit 1 单元测试

1、 In number of native speakers and language learners, ___ is the first language in the world.

答案: English

2、 Old English was mainly derived from the dialects of ___.

答案: Anglo-Saxons

3、 In 1588, England defeated the famous fleet Armada from ____.

答案: Spain

4、 _____ is the leader of the British government.

答案: Prime Minister

5、 In the United States, ______ has the power to make laws.

答案: the Congress

6、 The two major parties in Britain are _ and __.

答案: the Conservative Party;
the Labour Party

7、 The British constitution is made up of _____.

答案: statute law;
common law;

8、 Parliament in Britain consists of _____.

答案: the House of Lords;
the House of Commons;
the Sovereign

9、 On what occasions might the Vice President in the United States become the President?

答案: The current President became incapacitated while in office.;
The current President died.;
The process of impeachment occurred.

10、 The two major parties in Britain are _ and __.

答案: the Conservative Party;
the Labour Party

11、 The British constitution is made up of _____.

答案: statute law;
common law;

12、 Parliament in Britain consists of _____.

答案: the House of Lords;
the House of Commons;
the Sovereign

13、 On what occasions might the Vice President in the United States become the President?

答案: The current President became incapacitated while in office.;
The current President died.;
The process of impeachment occurred.





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大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张




大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张



大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张




大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第4张



大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第5张



大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第6张



大学英语拓展课程(跨文化交际)(桂林电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第7张
