大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


第1-3周: Unit One Hello, Hi! Unit One- A Quiz 第一单元测验

1、 It is thought to be a wise way to have some money __ for old age.

答案: put aside

2、 One of my foreign friends is looking forward to __ my country.

答案: visiting

3、 Not until I began to work __ how much time I had wasted.

答案: did I realize

4、 The ship took machines and other goods back to the port __ it had set off.

答案: from which

5、 The new general manager is trying to find __ to the company’s financial problem.

答案: a solution

6、 The new evening dress __ her as much as 400 dollars.

答案: cost

7、 The chair looks rather hard but actually it is very comfortable to sit __.

答案: on

8、 This is one of the longest bridges that __ on this river.

答案: has ever been built

9、 He suddenly left for Paris yesterday, __ was more than we had expected.

答案: which

10、 You should take care that you have not __ any detail in the design.

答案: neglected

11、 I didn’t see your boss at the meeting. If he (come) __, I would have told him the news.
答案: had come

12、 We have been informed that the (equip) __ will be arriving here in ten days.
答案: equipment

13、 It is advised that we (sign) __ an agreement right after the discussion.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)sign;
should sign

14、 I sincerely thank you for your (invite) __ to the Industrial Exhibition.
答案: invitation

15、 That was the most (attract) __ program they could think of.
答案: attractive

16、 I was (please) __ to have received your letter dated May 20th last month.
答案: pleased

17、 He rushed (danger) __ across the busy street to catch the bus.
答案: dangerously

18、 I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve) __ on the design at all.
答案: improvement

19、 I’m afraid you have been speaking too fast to make yourself (understand) __.
答案: understood

20、 The machine does not seem to work properly. I think it needs (repair) __.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)repairing;
to be repaired;

第1-3周: Unit One Hello, Hi! Unit One-Vocabulary

1、 As an actor he could __ a whole range of emotions.

答案: communicate

2、 You’re going to have to learn to __ your temper.

答案: control

3、 Is it __ to buy tickets in advance?

答案: possible

4、 People have __ their diets a lot over the past few years.

答案: changed

5、 So when were not together, we __ by text or calls.

答案: keep in touch

6、 I could feel them __ me with their eyes.

答案: following

7、 The new law is designed to protect people’s __.

答案: privacy

8、 The equipment is not really __.

答案: mobile

9、 Lots of people have __ about the noise.

答案: complained

10、 Most of the __ population depend on fishing for their income.

答案: local

11、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.There must be some __. (误解)
答案: misunderstanding

12、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.She gets ____ now that all the kids have left home. (孤独的)
答案: lonely

13、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.The empty house was completely __. (寂静的)
答案: silent

14、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.If children aren’t allowed some __, they won’t learn to be independent. (自由)
答案: freedom

15、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.We need to look at the __ of each system.(利弊)
答案: pros and cons

16、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.The Olympic Games will be seen around the __. (地球)
答案: globe

17、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.French was __ spoken there. (广泛地)
答案: widely

18、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.Companies must __ a reputation for honesty. (赢得)
答案: earn

19、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.With the __of modern communication tools, handwritten letters are being replaced by emails. (出现)
答案: rise

20、 Complete the sentence with words or phrases from the passages.Any assistance you could give the police will be greatly __. (感激的)
答案: appreciated

作业第1-3周: Unit One Hello, Hi! Unit One-Assignment第一单元作业

1、 大城市里的许多人都渴望能享有宁静的心境。Many people in large cities long for __.
评分规则: peace of mind给20分;peaceful mind给15分;其它0分。

2、 我担心自己的隐私。加入这个微信群是明智之选吗?I worry about my privacy. Is it __ to join in this WeChat group?
评分规则: a smart choice给20分;a wise choice给15分;其它0分。

3、 我们校长今天无法和你见面。明天咱们再试试看。The president could not __ to meet us today. Let’s have a try tomorrow.
评分规则: make it possible给20分;be able给15分;其它0分。

4、 只需在这里轻轻一按 (clip),你就可以把照片发到朋友圈。You only need a simple clip here, and then you can add your pictures to your __.
评分规则: friend circle给20分;moments给15分;其它0分。

5、 许多年轻人不喜欢太多的管制,他们渴望更多的自由。Many young people do not want to have too much __. They long for more freedom.
评分规则: control给20分;discipline给15分;其它0分。

作业第4-6周:Unit Two Sorry and Thank You! Unit Two-Assignment第二单元作业

1、 请大声朗读下面这段话,并将你的录音文件(系统只支持mp3格式)以附件形式上传。During National Volunteer Week we recognized our volunteers by taking them to the movies. We had our recognition awards program before the movie started, followed by a 15-minute coffee break. The volunteers had a bag of popcorn and a drink waiting for them. They also had their choice of 2 movies. It was very well received and we will do it again next year.
评分规则: 语音语调正确,重音、停顿、意群恰当;朗读流利清晰,给分90-100语音语调基本正确,重音、停顿、意群基本恰当;朗读比较流利清晰,给分80-89有少量语音语调错误,但不影响理解;朗读基本顺利,给分70-79有较多语音语调错误,但还能理解;朗读有时停顿、重复,给分60-69有很多语音语调错误,影响理解;朗读不很顺利,常有停顿、重复,给分40-59朗读基本听不懂;朗读很困难,给分10-39不能朗读或没有朗读,给分0-10

第4-6周:Unit Two Sorry and Thank You! Unit Two- A Quiz 第二单元测验

1、 Passage 1Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be dangerous. We have to be careful when we drive them or ride in them. It’s always a good idea to put on your seat belt when you’re in a car. Why? Think about this example: You put an egg on a skateboard(滑板) and give it a push. If the skateboard hits a stone, it will stop, but the egg won’t. It will fly through the air, hit the ground and break. Now, think what would happen if you tied the egg to the skateboard. When the skateboard hits a stone, the egg won’t go flying. It will stay safely on the skateboard. Volvo, a famous Swedish carmaker, was the first to use seat belts in 1949. Air bags are also very important for car safety, because sometimes a seat belt isn’t enough. If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them. Most newer cars have air bags in front of and next to the seats. When a car hits something, its air bags will come out quickly–in less than one second–to keep the people inside safe. 题目:1. We have to be careful in driving a car mainly because it could be __ .

答案: a great danger

2、 The example of an egg on a skateboard is used to show that ____ .

答案: seat belts are important to safety

3、 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

答案: Volvo was the first carmaker to use seat belts in cars.

4、 According to the passage , air bags are another device that __ .

答案: adds safety to car driving

5、 The best title for this passage is _____.

答案: Make a Car Safe Inside

6、 Passage 2The Museum of Contemporary(当代的) Art (MOCA. has started a new series of programs, known as “Art Makes Good Business.” It is designed to educate company managers about why art makes good business and how to take full advantage of it. The event is open to new and current corporate(企业法人的) members of MOCA. An understanding and appreciation of art is becoming a must in today’s business world. Art can be a valuable tool for seeking new ways to communicate with customers and raising public awareness of your company’s role in the community. During the coming months the series will look into the relationship between art, business and community. The series will cover how to understand modern art and how art can help improve a company’s image. Art Makes Good Business speakers will include leaders from the business and art worlds. Bookings are required. Space is limited. For more information call 305-893-6211 or visit www. momanomi.org. 题目: The purpose of the museum’s new programs is to show ____.

答案: the role of art in improving business

7、 The Art Makes Good Business program is intended for _______.

答案: corporate members of MOCA

8、 MOCA members who take part in the programs can learn ___.

答案: about the relationship between art , bussiness and community

9、 Those who want to attend lectures by Art Make Good Business speakers must ___. .

答案: make a booking

10、 This advertisement aims to_______.

答案: attract MOCA members to the programs

11、 Passage 3Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks in not more than 3 words in the table below. Make our Tourist Information Centre your first call when planning your visit to Cheltenham. Our friendly team can provide a wide range of services to make your stay enjoyable and unforgettable. We can book your accommodation(住宿), from a homely bed and breakfast to a four-star hotel. We can provide tickets for local events and we are booking agents (代理商) for National Express and other local coach companies. In summer we organize our own various programmes of Coach Tours of the Cotswolds, plus regular walking tours around Cheltenham, all guided by qualified guides. We also stock a wide range of maps and guidebooks plus quality gifts and souvenirs (纪念品). We can help you with advice on what to see, where to go and how to get there. We look forward to seeing you in Cheltenham. Tours of Cheltenham 题目:Tour Services Provider: _____
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)Tourist Information Centre;
Tourist Information Center

12、 Services Offered.. 1. booking accommodation 2. providing tickets for ______
答案: local events

13、 3. booking tickets from National Express and other __.
答案: local coach companies

14、 4. organizing Coach Tours and regular _______ in summer
答案: walking tours

15、 5.providing various maps, __ , gifts and souvenirs
答案: guidebooks

16、 Passage 4Dear Guests, In order to serve you better, we are carrying out a reconstruction program at the hotel, which will improve our fitness (健身) facilities. We are currently working on our program on the 6th floor. We regret that the tennis court is not in operation. However, you are still welcome to use the swimming pool. Please change into your swimsuit in you room. While this program is in progress, drilling(钻孔) work may create some noise during the following time schedule: 9:00 am to 11:00 am 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We apologize for the inconvenience(不便). Should you require any help during your stay with us, please call our Assistant Manager. He will be at your service any time of the day and night at 6120. Once again, thank you for your kind understanding and have a pleasant stay! Yours faithfully, Arthur White General Manager题目: What’s the purpose of the hotel’s reconstruction program? To improve its ______.
答案: fitness facilities

17、 Where is the reconstruction work going on at the moment? On the ______.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)6th floor;
sixth floor

18、 Where should guests change into their swimsuits before going swimming? In their ______.
答案: rooms

19、 Why does the hotel apologize to the guests? Because of ______ caused by the reconstruction program.
答案: the inconvenience

20、 Who should the guests turn to if they have any problem? They should call the ______.
答案: Assistant Manager

第4-6周:Unit Two Sorry and Thank You! Unit Two- Vocabulary

1、 He has _ seats at the conference table to the president.

答案: offered

2、 He ______ me to go into partnership with him.

答案: invited

3、 “That’s kind of you, Sally,” Claire said ___.

答案: gratefully

4、 You can’t really ___ foreign literature in translation.

答案: appreciate

5、 I ____ my own shortcomings.

答案: recognize

6、 This _ is considered (to be) a great honour.

答案: award

7、 Light refreshments will be served during the ______.

答案: break

8、 She had no__, and merely toyed with the bread and cheese.

答案: appetite

9、 It is an __ treatment and could cure all the COVID-19 sufferers.

答案: effective

10、 Our __ sympathy goes out to the victims of the war.

答案: heartfelt

11、 The ______belongs to her by right. (财产)
答案: property

12、 Williams answered that he had no specific proposals yet (具体的)
答案: specific

13、 It was an inevitable _______of the decision. (结果)
答案: consequence

14、 Her father carried a heavy burden of _______(职责)
答案: responsibility

15、 You think I did it deliberately, but I ______you (that) I did not. (向….保证)
答案: assure

16、 Don’t you want to go back to Him, Heidi, and ask his__? (原谅)
答案: forgiveness

17、 The company is in _____ difficulties. (财务的)
答案: financial

18、 When she lost her job, she had to___her life completely. (重建)
答案: rebuild

19、 The rebels had taken___ control.(完全的)
答案: complete

20、 There was a forecast of cooler weather ____ the week.(临近…..之末)
答案: toward the end of

作业第7-8周:Unit Three How can I get there? Unit 3-Assignment单元作业

1、 看,一些重要人物出现在了机场的红地毯上。Look! Some important persons ___on the airport red carpet.
评分规则: 互评标准:appear给20分;appeared, appears, are appearing, is appearing给15分;其它0分。

2、 现实和梦想不同,但我们可以努力将一些梦想变为现实。Though reality is different from dreams, we can make efforts to turn some of the dreams into _____.
评分规则: 互评标准:reality给20分;real life给15分;其它0分。

3、 她在朋友圈里晒出的自拍照非常漂亮,得到了许多赞。The ___she posted on her friend circle were very beautiful, and got a lot of likes.
评分规则: 互评标准:selfies给20分;selfie给15分;其它0分。

4、 你能在两小时内赶到银行吗?Can you get to the bank ______two hours?
评分规则: 互评标准:within给20分;in给15分;其它0分。

5、 我认为共享单车又省时又节能。I think shared bicycles are both time-saving and__.
评分规则: 互评标准:energy-saving给20分;energy saving给15分;其它0分。

第7-8周:Unit Three How can I get there? U3-单元测验

1、 How much does it __ to take the online training course?

答案: cost

2、 If you need more information, please contact us __ telephone or email.

答案: by

3、 Mr. Smith used to smoke __ but he has given it up recently.

答案: heavily

4、 He was speaking so fast __ we could hardly follow him.

答案: that

5、 Please call me back __ you see this message.

答案: as soon as

6、 We haven’t enough rooms for everyone, so some of you will have to __ a room.

答案: share

7、 Before __ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

答案: applying

8、 If you want to join the club, you’ll have to __ this form first.

答案: fill in

9、 __ the rain stops before 12 o’clock, we will have to cancel the game.

答案: Unless

10、 As the price of oil keeps __, people have to pay more for driving a car.

答案: going up

11、 What a (wonder) __ party it was! I enjoyed every minute of it.
答案: wonderful

The film turned out to be (successful) __ than we had expected.

答案: more successful

Readers are not allowed (bring) __ food and drinks into the Library at any time.

答案: to bring

14、 The manager has promised that she will deal with the matter (immediate) __.
答案: immediately

15、 We are looking forward to (work) __ with you in the future.
答案: working

16、 Today email has become an important means of (communicate) __ in daily life.
答案: communication

17、 The visitors were (disappoint) __ to find the museum closed when they rushed there.
答案: disappointed

18、 Because of the (improve) __ in the road conditions, there have been fewer accidents recently.

答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)improvement;

19、 When you arrive tomorrow, my secretary (meet) __ you at the airport.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)will meet;
will be meeting

20、 John has worked as a sales manager since he (join) __ this company in 2002.
答案: joined

第7-8周:Unit Three How can I get there? Unit 3-Vocabulary

1、 She didn’t ___ at all surprised at the news.

答案: appear

2、 We _the market to mushroom in the next two years.

答案: expect

3、 Lawrence kept on butting me but the referee did not __him.

答案: warn

4、 Drivers usually __ traffic rules.

答案: obey

5、 When you _ a bike, you exercise all of the leg muscles.

答案: ride

6、 The new museum must be accessible by public_______.

答案: transportation

7、 Everyone’s fingerprints are ____.

答案: unique

8、 A bicycle is often more _______than a car in towns.

答案: convenient

9、 He’s a _____man and told everything he’d seen.

答案: straightforward

10、 We_____ meet for a drink after work.

答案: occasionally

11、 用本单元学习的单词或词组填空,注意大小写Eating out is the national ______ in china.(消遣)
答案: pastime

12、 A _pizza not only looks, smells, and tastes great, but it is a wise choice for everyone as a regular food source. (制作精良的)
答案: well-made

13、 We have abundant__ to prove his guilt.(证据)
答案: evidence

14、 What time do you_____ dinner? (供应)
答案: serve

15、 The “____” is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone.(自拍)
答案: selfie

16、 _______you have your health, nothing else matters.(只要)
答案: As long as

17、 The houses will boast the latest_____technology(节能的)
答案: energy-saving

18、 Let me deal with some _ misconceptions.(常见的)
答案: common

19、 He has again_ from his horse. (跌落)
答案: fallen

20、 The government should______ the app-based car rental market(规范)
答案: regulate

第9-10周:Unit Four Be on Time and in Time Unit Four -A Quiz 第四单元测验

1、 —“How about having dinner at Sun Restaurant?” —“ It ___ good.”

答案: sounds

2、 Seldom ______ my boss in such good mood since I came to work in this company .

答案: have I seen

3、 You’d better _ the whole article at once.

答案: copy

4、 The manager told us never to _ till tomorrow what we can do today.

答案: put off

5、 The old man has two daughters, __ are doctors.

答案: both of whom

6、 If you travel in a foreign country, a tour __ may save you a lot of trouble.

答案: guide

7、 Dinner will be ready _. Let’s go and wash our hands.

答案: right away

8、 If you __ smoking and drinking, your health will improve soon.

答案: give up

9、 The children are getting more and more excited when Christmas is __ near.

答案: drawing

10、 The machine will continue to make much noise _ we have it repaired.

答案: unless

11、 John is the (clever)__ student I have ever taught.
答案: cleverest

12、 His suggestions turned out to be very(effect) __ in the improvement of our production.
答案: effective

13、 Sixty people(employ) __in this big factory last year.
答案: were employed

14、 It is difficult for a(foreign) __ to learn Chinese.
答案: foreigner

15、 Both of the twin brothers(be) __capable of doing technical work at present.
答案: are

16、 When Jenny came to Britain, she had to get used to(drive) __on the left.
答案: driving

17、 He is (confidence) __ even though he has failed several times.
答案: confident

18、 No student is supposed(spend) __so much money in school in a week.
答案: to spend

19、 The chairman required that every speaker(limit) __ himself to fifteen minutes.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)limit;
should limit

20、 In China,it is quite(nature) _____ for people to go back home for the Spring Festival.
答案: natural

第9-10周:Unit Four Be on Time and in Time Unit Four-Vocabulary

1、 This seemed to____ Professor Steiner. “Don’t play games with me,” he thundered.

答案: annoy

2、 Please be___so that we have enough time to enjoy the beautiful nature.

答案: punctual

3、 Her over-confident ___was a cover for her nervousness.

答案: attitude

4、 You ought to be ashamed of your foolish____ .

答案: behavior

5、 Televisions are a __feature in most hotel rooms.

答案: standard

6、 Before you have a dinner date with a beautiful girl, you should learn some eating __.

答案: etiquette

7、 There is no reason to _____she’s lying.

答案: suppose

8、 He’s walking into a situation that he ____ can’t control.

答案: absolutely

9、 9.Their behaviour was an ____to the people they represent.

答案: insult

10、 He obstinately refused to______ the future.

答案: consider

11、 用本单元学习的单词或词组填空,注意大小写。Some people think it is ____ to ask someone’s age.(不礼貌的)
答案: impolite

12、 This _______reminded me of a traffic accident I once experienced.(灾祸)
答案: mishap

13、 You should _____insult the family you are about to join at any time .(绝不;从不)
答案: never ever

14、 It _to invest in protective clothing. (有回报)
答案: pays

15、 As for you, I don’t think you have to go__. (亲自)
答案: in person

16、 OK then, I think we’ve just about covered everything on the____.(议事日程)
答案: agenda

17、 Would you like me to______ you for another night?(重新安排)
答案: reschedule

18、 If you have to climb up, use a _platform . (稳固的,坚实的)
答案: firm

19、 Statement should be made ______ of fact. (在…..基础上)
答案: on the basis

20、 _______for what your friends want to do, be supportive of their needs, and care for them when they’re feeling down.(腾出时间)
答案: Make time

作业第9-10周:Unit Four Be on Time and in Time Unit Four-Assignment单元作业

1、 请大声朗读下面这段话,(系统只支持mp3格式),并将你的录音文件上传• Schedule meetings and appointments in advance —  a few days,  a week, even  a month in advance.• Always make appointments for in-person meetings. Don’t just show up and expect people to make time to talk with you.• If you think you’re going to be more than a few minutes late for any appointment, call and let the other party know you’re running late.• Plan your own time so that you can be punctual for appointments you have made. Avoidchanging plans at the last minute.
评分规则: 语音语调正确,重音、停顿、意群恰当;朗读流利清晰,给分90-100语音语调基本正确,重音、停顿、意群基本恰当;朗读比较流利清晰,给分80-89有少量语音语调错误,但不影响理解;朗读基本顺利,给分70-79有较多语音语调错误,但还能理解;朗读有时停顿、重复,给分60-69有很多语音语调错误,影响理解;朗读不很顺利,常有停顿、重复,给分40-59朗读基本听不懂;朗读很困难,给分10-39不能朗读或没有朗读,给分0-10





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大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张




大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张



大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张




大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第4张



大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第5张



大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第6张



大学英语Ⅰ(2020-2021-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第7张
