英语语音(上海师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Introduction Achievement Test

1、 The soft palate is also called ____

A: velum
B: uvula
C: epiglottis
D: trachea
答案:  velum 

2、 The back of the tongue helps to produce ____ sounds.

A: velar
B: dental
C: alveolar
D: palatal
答案:  velar

3、 /p/, /b/, /m/ and /w/ are produced with the help of ____.

A:the upper teeth and inner lower lip
B: the upper and lower lip
C: the tongue tip on or close to the alveolar ridge
D: the tip of the tongue raised close to the hard palate
答案:  the upper and lower lip

4、 The sounds produced with the help of the upper teeth are called ____ sounds.

B: labio-dental
C: dental
D: post-alveolar
答案:  dental 

5、 The study of speech organs is important to know the nature of ____.

A:speech production
B:speech contest
C: telegraphic speech
D: public speech
答案: speech production 

6、 The organs that take part in production of speech sounds are called ____

A:speech production
B: pharyngeal cavity
C: nasal cavity
D: speech organs
答案:  speech organs

7、 The positional variants of the same phoneme are known as ____.

A: sounds
C: consonants
答案: allophones

8、 In English, [l] and [ɫ] are allophones of the phoneme /l/ because they occur in _______, i.e., they never appear in the same sound contexts. [l] always occurs before vowels (as in the word leaf, look), while [ɫ] comes after vowels and before consonants (as in the word feel, cold).

A:free variation
B: a minimal set
C: complementary distribution
D: regional differences
答案:  complementary distribution 

9、 Using the diacritics provided by the IPA, _______ transcription captures as many aspects of a specific pronunciation as possible and makes very subtle distinctions between sounds.

B: narrow
C: phonetic
D: conventional
答案:  narrow 

10、 /p/ and /b/ can appear in initial position (as in pin and bin) and also in final position (as in rope and robe).They are in phonemic contrast and said to form a ___ because they occur in the same environment and distinguish meaning.

A:complementary distribution
B: allophonic distribution
C: minimal pair
D: segmental phoneme
答案:  minimal pair 

Unit 2 Vowel Achievement Test

1、 Like all languages in the world, English phonemes are also divided into vowels and consonants. The distinction between the two lies in the obstruction of ____.

A: mouth
B: airstream
C: nose
D: vocal cords
答案:  airstream 

2、 The ____ Pronunciation, or RP for short, is the instantly recognisable accent often described as ‘typically British’. It is defined in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary as “the standard accent of English as spoken in the south of England”.

B: Respected
C: Respectable
D: Received
答案:  Received

3、 The vowel ____ can be described as low, front, and unrounded, but the feature “unrounded” is usually omitted because all front vowels in English are unrounded.

B: /e/
C: /i:/
D: /ɒ/
答案: /æ/ 

4、 Syllabically, although a diphthong is a combination of two vowel sounds, and the tongue glides in the production of it, it is perceived as one phoneme, not two. Thus, diphthongs are treated as having one ____ only.

B: syllable
C: vowel
D: allophone
答案:  syllable 

5、 Words such as fire /faɪə/, flour /flaʊə/, or loyal /lɔɪəl/ are considered by the native English speakers to have only one syllable, whereas higher /haɪə/ and player /pleɪə/ are more likely to be heard with disyllabic realizations because the third vowel is a ____.

A: triphthong
B: suffix
C: monophthong
D: diphthong
答案:  suffix 

6、 In the production of a consonant sound, the air stream from the lungs meets no obstruction of any kind in the throat, the nose, or the mouth, while in the pronunciation of a vowel, the air stream from the lungs is obstructed in one way or another.

答案: 错误
分析:Vowels are produced with no obstruction, while consonants is obstructed

7、 Daniel Jones worked out a set of Cardinal Vowels that students learning phonetics could be taught to produce, the aim of which is to give an approximate picture of the degree and direction of the tongue movement involved.

答案: 正确

8、 /i:/ and /ɪ/ are both high front vowels, but /i:/ is a bit lower and more forward than /ɪ/. In addition, /i:/ is tense in that the root of the tongue is more advanced than with /ɪ/, which is lax.

答案: 错误
分析:/i:/ is a bit higher and more forward than /ɪ/.

9、 English diphthongs are divided into both falling diphthongs (the first vowel sound is pronounced longer, louder and stronger than the second one), and rising diphthongs (the second sound is produced longer and stronger than the first

答案: 错误
分析:All English diphthongs are said to be falling diphthongs.

10、 If two adjacent vowel sounds occur in different syllables — for example, in the English word re-elect (/ˌri:ˈɪlekt/) — the result is described as hiatus not as a diphthong.

答案: 正确

Unit 3 Consonants Achievement tests

1、 Consonants are formed by interrupting, narrowing or diverting the airflow in a variety of ways. There are three ways of classifying the English consonant sounds: ____ of articulation, manner of articulation and voicing.

A: place
C: aspiration
答案:  place 

2、 When the letter n come before g or k, it is pronounced as /ŋ/ as in strong, bang, thank, drink. However, when g is followed by e or i, the letter n is read as /n/ as in strange, stranger, arrange, longitude because the letter g is pronounced as ____.

D: /ʧ/
答案: /ʤ/ 

3、 RP has two allophonic variants of /r/. One is retroflex [r], and the other is tapor flap [ɾ]. In the pronunciation of retroflex [r], the tongue curls backward and retroflexes at the ____.

B: central
C: tip
答案:  tip 

4、 The /r/ may be replaced by an alveolar tap [ɾ] in intervocalic positions (e.g. very, sorry, tomorrow) and in word-final /r/ ____ with an initial vowel (e.g. far away).

B: joining
C: inserting
D: linking
答案:  linking

5、 Generally speaking, plosive sounds undergo three stages: the closing stage, the compression stage and the ____ stage.

答案: release 

6、 The manner of articulation refers to the way in which the airstream is obstructed. For example, with plosive sounds, the articulation acts in such a way that the air is temporarily trapped, and then suddenly released.

答案: 正确

7、 Generally speaking, the place and the manner of articulation are the two common features of any languages except the voicing, which is language specific. For example, voicing is a distinctive feature of Mandarin Chinese, whereas aspiration is the distinctive feature of English.

答案: 错误
分析:Voicing is a distinctive feature of English, whereas aspiration is the distinctive feature of Mandarin Chinese.

8、 Plosives occur when the airstream is blocked or stopped completely before its release. They are also known as stops because they involve the complete blockage of the airstream.

答案: 正确

9、 The sound /ŋ/ remains unchanged at the word boundaries where it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound as in bring it (/brɪŋɪt/) and sing us a song (/sɪŋəs ə sɒŋ/). However, in the case of adjectives, the adding of the suffixes –eror -est to the comparative and superlative degree of the words longer and longest has changed the pronunciation of /ŋ/ into /ŋɡ/.

答案: 正确

10、 Within the class of approximants, lateral /l/ and retroflex /r/ are further distinguished from semi-vowels /j/ and /w/. This is because /j/ and /w/ are made without a restriction to the airflow. They are phonetically like consonants but phonologically like vowels.

答案: 错误
分析:/w/ and /j/ are phonetically like vowels but phonologically like consonants.





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