大学英语Ⅰ(河南农业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试




Unit 1 Growing Up Test 1

1、 People appreciate ______ with him because he has a good sense of humor.

答案: working

2、 When I left school I was still keen to _ my French.

答案: keep up

3、 _ you meet some really interesting people, but most of the time they’re fairly ordinary.

答案: Every now and then

4、 The package was sent to a wrong _.

答案: destination

5、 Parachuting (跳伞) is a _ sort of thing to do.

答案: risky

6、 The country is run on Socialist _.

答案: principles

7、 I had to be rescued by my neighbours when my house _ fire.

答案: caught

8、 I can see that a lot of them are temples _ in honour of the gods of the place.

答案: put up

9、 The thought of how much work she had to do _ her and at last she gave up.

答案: discouraged

10、 A completely new situation will _ when the new policy comes into existence.

答案: arise

11、 A China Northern Airlines passenger plane _ in the sea last night near Dalian, a port city in north China’s Liaoning Province.

答案: crashed

12、 The President will give a speech _ the opening day of the meeting.

答案: on

13、 Dave has good reasons to be upbeat (乐观的): his award-winning Web site gets over one million hits a month; the latest version of his book Dave Sperling’s Internet Guide was just _ this year; and he has a lovely wife and two kids.

答案: released

14、 Scientists say it may be five or ten years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

答案: before

15、 There was a note of ______ in his voice as he spoke about the company’s future.

答案: optimism

16、 The old banknotes are being taken out of ______.

答案: circulation

17、 She was deeply ______ by the amount of criticism (批评) her play received.

答案: frustrated

18、 Mark Messier is the NHL player who has _ the biggest fortune, with his hockey salary, over the last 12 seasons.

答案: accumulated

19、 The Minister confirmed the Government’s decision to amend citizenship legislation to allow Australians who _ another citizenship to retain their Australian citizenship.

答案: acquire

20、 Your _ goal as an athlete is to win honour for your country.

答案: ultimate

21、 Use this address book to _ a directory of the e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of our friends.

答案: maintain

22、 We have a permanent team of highly skilled engineers and we are able to _ larger projects by employing extra staff when required.

答案: undertake

23、 ____ to understand what was said about her writing, Joan phoned her teacher again.

答案: Trying

24、 With great interest, I anticipate  ____ the book of The Old Man and the Sea written by Ernest Hemingway.


答案: reading

25、 The improvement benefits a small minority, ____ the vast numbers of workers have no choice but to put their lives in dangerous working conditions.

答案: while

26、 In children’s mind, the Spring Festival is __ nice food and presents.

答案: associated with

27、 His father advised him to get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it __.

答案: took hold

28、 One of the processes of evolving from a child to an adult is being able to _____ and outgrow our fears.

答案: recognize

29、 While studying at Cambridge University, Mr. Smith ______ his old friend, whom he has not seen for nearly twenty years.

答案: encountered

30、 The film provides a deep _____ into a wide range of human qualities and feelings.

答案: insight

Unit 2 Friendship Test 2

1、 He was taller than his father when he   reached his full ______. 

答案: stature

2、 I’m afraid you’ve missed the ______, so   your application (申请) cannot   be considered. 

答案: deadline

3、 She was deeply ______ by the amount of   criticism (批评) her play received.

答案: frustrated

4、 Is the Internet just a new _ that   allows us to communicate differently or does it bring a message that will   revolutionize the way we think, act and learn? 

答案: medium

5、 To avoid delay, call or write beforehand if you need
special assistance, such as an interpreter, to _ a charge.

答案: file

6、 The Minister confirmed the Government’s   decision to amend citizenship legislation to allow Australians who _   another citizenship to retain their Australian citizenship.

答案: acquire

7、 The court ruled that John was _ in   hitting the man in self-defense.

答案: justified

8、 It would be better if she vocalized her   fears rather than _ them.

答案: suppressed

9、 In no circumstances can more work be got   out of a machine than __.

答案: is put into it

10、 ____ to him if he went out in that   weather?

答案: What was he afraid would happen

11、 _ forever are the days when   Shanghai was the “paradise of the adventurers”.

答案: Gone

12、 It _______ last night, for the road   is all wet.

答案: must have rained

13、  I   was so hungry all the time that I could not _____ the diet for longer   than a week.

答案: keep up

14、 They are urging that more treatment   facilities __.

答案: be provided

15、 When learning the sudden death of his   father, he was so ___ that he couldn’t say a word.

答案: choked up

16、 If you wave your book in front of your   face, you can feel the air _____ against your face.

答案: moving

17、 A China Northern Airlines passenger plane   _ in the sea last night near Dalian, a port city in north China’s   Liaoning Province.

答案: crashed

18、 Liu Hai-jue, 34, was badly hurt and two   of her friends were among the seven people killed in the _ north of   London last Friday.

答案: wreck

19、 I had dozed _ and on until   daylight.

答案: off

20、 It was a(n) _ risk to take on that   job, but it proved worthwhile (值得做的) in the   end.

答案: awful

21、 As a senior manager, you will enjoy   certain _, such as free health insurance and the right to buy shares in   the company.

答案: privileges

22、 He lifted the heavy weight, but it was   the greatest ___ he had ever made.

答案: effort

23、 The film __ him of what he had seen   in Beijing.

答案: reminded

24、 He brushed off every suggestion with a   ____ and raised eyebrows.

答案: shrug

25、 Since you are here, you ____ stay   and make the best of it; take things as they come.

答案: may as well

26、 The match was ____ to the following   Saturday because of bad weather.

答案: postponed

27、 The naughty boy sat astride the branch of   a tree with his two legs __.

答案: swinging

28、 I need a secretary, but I haven’t got   anyone ______.

答案: on my mind

29、 She ____ through the fog, trying to   find the right path.

答案: peered

30、 We couldn’t reach our__ on time   because of the bad weather.

答案: destination

Unit 3 Understanding Science Test 3

1、 I tried to ______ in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.

答案: convey

2、 The purchase of 500 tanks is part of a strategy to increase military (军事的) ______ by 25% over the next four years.

答案: capacity

3、 Seeing Bob coming in, she __ in the middle of her story.

答案: broke off

4、 The __ of the plane could be clearly seen on the hillside.

答案: wreck

5、 Association refers to _ the material we want to remember and _ it to something we remember accurately.

答案: taking…relating

6、 Though it looked like rain this morning, it has __ a fine day.

答案: turned out

7、 Liu Haijiao, 34, was badly hurt and two of her friends were among seven people killed in the __ north of London last Friday.

答案: wreck

8、 In fact, Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than _ in New York.

答案: stayed

9、 We ___ any opportunities to talk to native English speakers.

答案: take advantage of

10、 The election is likely _____ in June.

答案: to be held

11、 Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are ___.

答案: idle

12、 His advice was __.

答案: paid much attention to

13、 Participating schools will receive full credit for researching and reporting on their chosen endangered __.

答案: species

14、 Don’t judge a person on the ___ of appearance.

答案: basis

15、 When he failed to pay the bill, the company ____ his electricity.

答案: cut off

16、 Good teacher knows that children need and enjoy firm __.

答案: discipline

17、 It’s probably that awful music __ wakes me up every morning.

答案: that

18、 You don’t get much __ sitting at desk all day like this.

答案: exercise

19、 Travelers in space have to __ many discomforts in their rockets.

答案: endure

20、 The harbour can __ large liners and cargo boats.

答案: admit

21、 She is one of those guests who does nothing __ complain.

答案: but

22、 We have succeeded because we had the ___ to invest in the flourishing real estate(房地产).

答案: foresight

23、 I’ve also just started taking on __ after avoiding it for three years. The cost of operating the Café was getting to be too much to maintain on my own.

答案: sponsors

24、 The decorations(装饰) were beautiful and __, the children made them themselves.

答案: what’s more

25、 Sandbags will hold the flood waters __ for a while.

答案: back

26、 Why do men _ enjoying themselves with getting drunken?

答案: associate

27、 He found her letter at the bottom of a pile of business __.

答案: correspondence

28、 With no takers I had to develop the Web site myself. I experimented with some ideas, and the first page what I __ was the Graffiti Wall(涂鸦墙), which came as an inspiration(灵感) from my environment!

答案: came up with

29、 I wasn’t too __ on physics and chemistry.

答案: keen

30、 In the __ of the race between the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise wins, even though he is slow, because he keeps going with determination.

答案: fable







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